
  1. P

    Windows 7 Does dimming and turning off the display make sense?

    As you know Win 7 offers options (especially for notebooks) to dim the display after e.g. 15minutes or turn it completely off after 30 minutes of inactivity. Obviously the user can save (rechargable) power with that. But I am particularly interested in possible disadvantages for the hardware...
  2. T

    Windows 8 Blue Screen Error when monitor dims

    I get a blue screen error of "driverirql_not_less_equal" when my laptop monitor dims. Specs: OS: Windows 8 Professional (64 bit) Intel i7 2640M 8 Gb Ram 1T HD The attached screen capture is the location of my error.
  3. C

    Windows 7 Screen not dimming on laptop

    I have a Lenovo G530. Win 7 runs great on it, but there is no provision in the POWER SETTINGS to dim the display while on batteries. The dimming buttons on the keyboard don't work either. I downloaded and installed all the Lenovo drivers (display, chipset, etc). Am I missing a driver...