disc image

  1. Windows 8 Windows 8 unable to burn DVD

    When attempting to burn ISO files from Windows Explorer, Windows Disc Image Burner takes an extremely long time to do anything then errors out saying: The disc image didn't burn successfully because an error occurred. (Error code: 0x8007045D) I have attempted to use Imgburn but it will not...
  2. E

    Windows 7 I need a disc image of Windows 7 Home 64 bit for my daughter's laptop. (I have the activation key)

    After trying every solution I can think of to boot my daughter's laptop, I've made my decision. I'm going to create a fresh install on a new, larger 640 gig drive. If that goes well, I told her that I would save what files I could from the corrupted drive. (I'll cross that bridge with her...
  3. P

    Windows 7 Windows Disc Image Burner Does Not List DVD Burner

    I have installed two different Windows 7 builds on a particular home-built machine I have at home - build 7000 and now build 7201. The computer was made as a backup machine out of older components, but operates very well when not stressed and utilizing clean installs. However, the machine has a...