document security

  1. 4053440 - Securely opening Microsoft Office documents that contain Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) fields - Version: 3.0

    Revision Note: V3.0 (January 9, 2018): Microsoft has released an update for all supported editions of Microsoft Excel that allows users to set the functionality of the DDE protocol based on their environment. For more information and to download the update, see ADV170021. Summary: Microsoft is...
  2. T

    Windows 10 A way to lock folders?

    I manage an online historic archive for a local historical society. We have many documents, pictures, etc., posted in a Dropbox account, and provide links for all who desire. I'm concerned that one of us (me or one of the volunteers who has access to the account/collection) might someday...
  3. VIDEO Yellow Dots of Mystery: Is Your Printer Spying on You?

    Imagine that every time you print a document, it automatically includes a secret code that could be used to identify the printer -- and, potentially, the person who used it. Sounds like something from a spy movie, right? Unfortunately, the scenario isn't fictional. Most color laser printers and...
  4. MS15-097 - Critical: Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Graphics Component Could Allow Remote...

    Severity Rating: Critical Revision Note: V1.1 (September 8, 2015): Revised bulletin to correct the security impact and the vulnerability information for CVE-2015-2506 (from denial of service to elevation of privilege). This is an informational change only. Summary: This security update resolves...
  5. Microsoft Office "Anti-Bulletin"

    In November 2010, Microsoft released the first Security Bulletin (Link Removed due to 404 Error) against an Office 2010 component, in this case Microsoft Word. Approximately 6 months had elapsed since Office 2010 launched in May and while it's good for such a widely used product to be available...
  6. R

    Windows 7 How to remove user accounts

    I do not know how I got a second admin account with my name probably i was doing something in a windows program and their i gave admin rights to my first account, now i cannot delete this new account i searched how to geek and according to that the delete account is not where it should be it...