document viewer

  1. H

    PDF previewer in Outlook?

    have been searching for a solution to this for the past few days - I can't preview pdf documents in Outlook as a "previewer isn't installed". I've installed xodo and SumatraPDF ,Omegle Link Removed but neither of them seem to work with Outlook. Does this mean I have to...
  2. F

    Windows 10 XPS viewer on windows 10

    .How can I get a download for XPS viewer in Windows10
  3. Z

    Windows 7 Is there a decent XML VIEWER with Windows 7 that will resolve externals?

    I guess I got spoiled with XP. I'm a developer working on programs that generate XML files, most of which utilize external entity references. On my old XP machine, I could just double-click on the xml file and see the full document with the included externals, and be able to expand and contract...
  4. J

    Windows 7 IE8 crashes (sometimes) otherwise ignores pdf files

    Hi there Problem with IE8 (32 bit version) on X-64 W7 build 7077. Double clicking a PDF link doesn't open the document -- get a little popup saying Internet explorer has stopped working -- and then it just reverts back to the previous link. I can download the PDF file (save target as)...