I've made a mistake on a cpu that has both windows 10 and 7 in different partitions.
I was moving files between partitions and ended up moving windows operation system's files. Now I can't startup neither with windows 10 or 7
Is there a way to chose with windows to startup by using the dos system?
boot issues
computer issues
data recovery
dual boot
error fix
file management
operating system
system files
system restore
tech support
windows 10
windows 7
Hi Guys,
I have a file that I can not delete. It is an .avi file that will not run in Media Player Classic or VLC so I figure that it is no good BUT I can't delete it.
I went into dos and deleted it there or so I thought but all it did was get dos flashing a prompt dash. I had deleted a couple...
avi file
delete issue
error messages
file management
file properties
file system
locked folder
media player
read only
recycle bin
system issues
user support
virus scan
windows community
windows tips
When I attempt to boot to the drive containing Kubuntu 13.04, I get a black screen that only says Error: No such partition, Grub Rescue>. I attempted to boot from the disc that I installed Kubuntu with, but for some reason, only got the same black screen message.
The partitions are still...
I was trying to get the 'CD' (change directory) DOS command to work with
input redirection (left arrow), but could not do so, tho, thank goodness,
I found PUSHD&POPD so I no longer need CD in my .BAT now. However, I could not
get any of these commands to work either: TYPE, MORE, and especially...
batch file
cd command
command execution
command line
console input
dir command
error handling
file paths
input redirection
type command
win32 api
windows 7