
  1. whoosh

    ART Dropping In

  2. whoosh

    ART Dropping A Cling On

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO RTX 4070 Prices are already DROPPING FAST.

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO GPU Prices are Dropping! Feb 2022 Update

  5. P

    Windows 7 PPPoe connection keeps dropping perodically

    Hello guys.My internet connection keeps dropping periodically.I get the below dialog box and on clicking 'redial' it connects again but again i get the same dialog box in 10-15 minutes.I use windows 7.Tbh i have 0 knowledge of all this LAN related things so i am attaching screenshots of various...
  6. L

    Windows 7 Windows 7 wifi internet connection keeps dropping

    Hello there!! I am facing trouble with windows 7 and my internet connections. Facts are I have 02 sony Vaio with windows7 start edition and they are connected to a Apple Airport router (one at the office, a Time Capsule, and another at home, an Airport Extreme). They connect fine at first...
  7. P

    Windows 7 Is there any way to get rid of the "ø" graphic when dragging and dropping?

    I tried changing it under cursors to something else but its still the same. edit: i mean the large black one, not the little red one that appears sometimes.
  8. V

    Windows 7 Internet Connenction keeps dropping

    Hello, My internet connection keeps dropping. When I perform a diagnostic check, it states that "the default gateway is unavailable". I am hoping you someonce can assist me with this as there seems to be a lot of posts on this problem but not one consistent answer. Look forward to your reply...
  9. M

    Windows 7 Internet dropping somewhat randomly, not sure how to debug

    I have been unable to find a solution to this problem, though there are many similar to it out there. We have 3 computers that are always being used in the house, 2 wired, 1 wireless. All of which have up to date drivers. This definitely started happening right when I switched to windows 7. I...