edge chromium

  1. News

    Test IE mode in Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer Driver

    In collaboration with our friends in the Selenium project, the Microsoft Edge team is excited to announce that you can now test Internet Explorer mode in Microsoft Edge with Internet Explorer Driver. With just a few changes to an existing test that runs against Internet Explorer, you can get...
  2. WonderWoman77

    Windows 10 Edge Chromium YouTube chat located below video instead of on the side

    Hello, I have been using Edge Chromium to view YT videos because it doesn't wind up buffering after a while of watching videos the way it does in FireFox. All of my browsers (except for Edge) have the chat on the right side of the screen. Edge Chromium recently spontaneously now seems to have...
  3. LOL

    Windows 10 Can't delete an extension in both Chrome and Edge.

    I check the extension menu in Chrome and Edge, it have an extension name yGiftFace and it said that is a developement extension thing. It make Google and Edge randomly open random pages. If I detele it, it will restart Edge or Chrome then it install again. Pls help me
  4. tonylee

    VIDEO Microsoft Edge VS Edge2019 VS Chromium VS Google Chrome Speed Test on Windows 10! 😍 Who Would Win?

    This is the speed test between Microsoft Edge VS Edge2019 VS Chromium VS Google Chrome Speed Test on Windows 10. 💗 It has an unexpected result. Browser Speed Test
  5. edgeleaks

    Edge Coming to Other Platforms?

    Found in the latest edge leak based on Chromium