energy efficiency

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Turbo Burn Barrel. Fan forced fast rubbish incineration, No Smoke

  2. MonikaGShah

    Power Plan

    High-Performance Plan set CPU speed at maximum, Power Saver set CPU speed at minimum, and Balanced Plan set CPU speed as per applications need means minimum when no requirement, maximum when maximum requirement. That means the Balanced Plan is sufficient for desktop as well as Laptop. Is it...
  3. News

    Better battery life with Microsoft Edge

    There’s a good chance you’ve noticed that Microsoft Edge and other popular browsers have recently been focused on improving battery life. We’ve been paying particular attention to this with Windows 10, and the response has been great. Windows users spend more than half their time on the web, so...
  4. M

    Power saving of speakers when no audio playing

    I'm looking for a program to make speakers not consume power when no audio is playing. Is it possible?
  5. enigma1944

    Windows 8 Turbo Boost

    I'm looking for a new laptop and this Turbo Boost keeps appearing. I don't know anything about this so is it worth it to have it on a laptop Thanks
  6. seekermeister

    Room Heaters

    Due to the fact that management of my apt. complex never turns on the central heat, until I start freezing, I need to purchase an electric room heater of my own. I have considered this for years, but each time I start shopping I can't figure out which would be best for me. I understand that...
  7. G

    Windows 8 Is it possible to create individual power settings for each hard drive?

    I have a number of different drives that I use for different purposes but I only use two of them frequently. I would like for the others to enter sleep mode when not in use, but never my main two. Is there any way to edit power saving settings for individual drives?
  8. Mike

    Your PC: Leave It On or Turn It Off?

    The question has come to me in the past: A distant relic of a time gone by. But today, it is a featured story on both Link Removed and Link Removed. This is an age old question for computer users by now, and especially technicians.Mr. Link Removed from PCWorld writes: Most consumer computers...
  9. News

    Guided Help: Get a detailed Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report for your computer in Windows 7

    Describes a new feature in Windows 7 that you can use to analyze the energy efficiency of your computer. More...
  10. cybercore

    Electronic life on the edge: Scientists discover the edge states of graphene nanoribbons

    A scanning tunneling microscope determines the topography and orientation of the graphene nanoribbons on the atomic scale. In spectroscopy mode, it determines changes in the density of electronic states, from the nanoribbon's interior to its edge. Credit: Crommie et al, Lawrence Berkeley...
  11. News

    Windows 7 Defrag 004 - Battery Life, Slow Wake, Library Problems

    Microsoft tech troubleshooter extraordinaire Gov Maharaj and I help walk you through troubleshooting solutions to your tech support problems. If you have a problem you want to send us, you can use the Problem Step Recorder in Windows 7 (Link Removed for details on how) and send us the zip file...
  12. News

    Ask LH: Is Mac OS X Greener Than Windows 7?

    Dear Lifehacker, I’m a student using a MacBook Pro for uni on which I’ve got Mac OS X & Windows 7 dual booted. I’m constantly switching between the two depending on what I need to do (though Windows is my preferred OS). Recently I’ve noticed that the battery lasts longer on the OS X side than it...
  13. cybercore

    Facebook extends hand to rivals with technical initiative

    Palo Alto, California (CNN) -- In the technology world, a form of breaking bread can involve sharing hardware schematics. Facebook invited reporters, hardware makers and rival internet companies to its headquarters to debut a new initiative on Thursday for improving website infrastructure...
  14. whoosh

    The Future of Nuclear Power after Fukushima: Thorium Reactors?

    Hands up - Who thinks nuclear power is safe? Before the Japan earthquake and tsunami on March 11, opinion surveys showed that most people thought it was. But as radiation seeps from the stricken Fukushima power plant, the world suddenly seems a very different place… Fossil fuels have nearly run...
  15. cybercore

    Ambient light powered LCD released by Samsung

    Most of us are familiar with LCD technology. You probably have an LCD monitor in front of you right now. There may be an LCD TV sitting in your living room, or bedroom, at this very second. You know that LCD screens come with a power cord. You plug it in and your screen comes to life. Link...
  16. News

    VIDEO Saving energy with the .NET Micro Framework

    Our home is equipped with a relatively old gas heater, built in 1996. It still works great, has been serviced regularly since it was installed and there is no good reason to replace it yet. However, it isn’t as energy efficient as more recent models. The other aspect of this gas water heater is...
  17. reghakr

    Windows 7 10 Reasons Why SSDs Are Better Than Mechanical Disks

    Have you ever heard the terms, head crash or stiction? Better yet, have you ever experienced either of them? These terms are just two of the unhappy occurrences associated with mechanical disks. What if disks didn't spin? What if there were a way to create rewriteable storage in such a way that...
  18. cybercore

    Sweden, the top most eco friendly country in the world

    Sweden is famous from some time for its eco-friendly culture and politics. Ever since the 1973 oil crisis, Sweden has made a commitment to reduce dependence of fossil fuels. The Nordic country was depending on imported fossil fuels being vulnerable to price changes on the global market. The...
  19. cybercore

    London crematorium to heat water for town's swimmers

    Link Removed due to 404 Error A local authority has given the go ahead for a swimming pool to use energy created by the next-door crematorium to heat its water. The plan, the first of its kind in Britain, will see waste heat from the incinerator chimney used to warm up the neighbouring...
  20. N

    Windows 7 Saving power

    So i don't exactly know if this is the right forum to post this but does disabling a device actually save energy? For example, i have two CD-ROM players, if i disable one of them do i actually have any advantege in doing so?