error 1305

  1. pjwhoopie1

    Windows 7 request for help / info install error on COD4

    I am getting this error when I try to install COD4 on my new Win7 pc: Error 1305 E:\Setup|Data|main\video\scoutsniper_load.bik When I cancel out I get Error 1603 Consult Win.Installer Help(Msi.chm) I tried to install under Admin and still got the same error. Any ideas, I would really like...
  2. L

    Windows 7 Rise of the Argonauts will not Install PLEASE HELP!

    I am running Windows 7 RC 1 on a clean install and I tryed to install Rise of the Argonauts yesterday and after a little ways into the installation it stopped with this error mssg.: "Error 1305 reading from file C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Rise of the Argonauts\Liquid Games\Cooked...