error 31

  1. R

    Windows 7 Error 31 While Trying to Use Windows Dialer for 3G Dial Up Connection

    I am not able to connect to BSNL 3G using standard windows dialer and not even through CiDial but only working through Mobile partner. I had faced this earlier but that was another machine, another OS. It stops at the verifying password screen and then immediately disconnects and again...
  2. T

    Windows 7 Wireless card for Dell Dimension 545 [Windows 7]

    Note: I ment Inspiron, but I can't edit the title. Hello people, I got a problem with my wireless network card for the PCI slot. (On my Dell Inspiron 545.) I didn't have troubles on my Windows XP PC with Link Removed due to 404 Error, (I think that's because I can't find good drivers)...
  3. L

    Windows Vista Error 31: A device attached to the system is not functioning

    I am having problem connecting to the internet with may dialup modem in Vista Ultimate. Whenever I connect it dials out but when it goes to check username and password it gives me a Error 31: A device attached to the system is not funtioning. I have tried 4 different modems but they all give me...