error prevention

  1. J

    Windows 10 Reserved file names.

    People at various times run into mysterious problems that have no apparent source but are eventually found out to be caused by the innocent use of a file named "aux.txt" or any one of the other reserved file names. It isn't realistic to expect that all users of such an ubiquitous system as...
  2. E

    Windows 7 How do I prevent windows allowing users to generate filenames/paths longer than 260 caracthers

    My office pals are constantly creating lenghy file names and folders that surpass windows limits, which is causing problems when I perform or restore backups. Is there a way to just stop windows from letting a user write or copy a file which exceeds the limits imposed by the OS itself?. I´ve...
  3. B

    Windows 7 "Windows has encountered a critical problem and will restart automatically in one minute."

    I ended processes such as lsm.exe and a prompt came up telling me what Windows has encountered a critical problem and that it will restart in one minute. Even though the process has ended (and remains closed), Windows OPERATES PERFECTLY FINE AND NORMALLY. Why does Windows have to shut down...
  4. Windows 7 Silverlight TV 75: Quick and Dirty UX Testing (Design Tips Mini Series)

    Susan shares her insights on how to do quick and dirty UX testing to help your application be more successful. Susan (who works with great people on the UX team, including Corrina Black, Tsitsi Gora, and Arturo Toledo) has a lot of experience working on usability and spends a lot of time working...