
  1. J

    Windows 7 Understanding the Risks of Downloading Movies

    I have been told ot to download movies, but not why. What is the down side of this practice? It seems like I can't watch a movie without downloading.
  2. Is your baby for sale ?

    Link Removed Nova Scotia baby offered for sale in classifieds online. Nova Scotia baby boy appeared in an ad for sale online for a price. The ad listed the infant as a "two-month" old. The police put matters into action by visiting the home that was listed in the contact information for the...
  3. Concord :)

    In Book 8 of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle says that “Friendship holds political communities together, and lawgivers apparently devote more attention to it than to justice.” This civic friendship Aristotle calls concord, the goodwill and mutual affection that makes each citizen enter...
  4. something Will Rodgers might have said

    Think about this: 1. Cows 2. The Constitution 3. The Ten Commandments COWS Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept...
  5. Human and Robots: Visions of the Future

    Human and Robots: Visions of the Future The future is not written yet and who knows weather robots are dangerous or not. What is for sure is that humans, being the curious beings, will develop new advanced generations of robots. Robots and other high-performance inventions have always been...
  6. VIDEO Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

  7. G

    Windows 7 Can ISP force installion of unwanted/needed software?

    I have a relative who lives in the United States. Their ISP is demanding they install the ISP's "custom" antivirus. The relative already has a antivirus and firewall application installed that works and causes no problems and is updated and used regularly. However this relative also fears the...
  8. Windows Vista Does This Frighten You ? (Race To A Humanoid Robot)

    Does anybody want to see a humanoid robot ? Does it scare you ? Should it be outlawed ? Wired 12.07: The Humanoid Race :eek:
  9. Evil Apple

    Well, so do you think that Apple is becoming Evil, or already is evil?