
  1. Windows 7 Please Help Me Stuck At Setup Is Starting Services (Different than others)

    Dear Forum users, I have an Acer Emachine pc And i just got it back from customer care as it had some svc host problem Now when i turned it on for the 1st time there was something called sysrep which said a fatal error ocurred, i ignored it but then i could not make new folders in the libraries...
  2. W

    Windows 7 DirectX Fatal Error

    Hello, before I start, I know this has been posted before I just can't find an answer that works!! I had the same problem yesterday, When I installed the game. My laptop wouldn't even switch on properly yesterday, That is now fixed and I'm still having game issues. I Installed steam then Just...
  3. Voodoo candles burning during sex blamed for fatal fire (20 firefighters injured)

    Candles arranged on the floor for a voodoo ceremony caused a five-alarm fire that ripped through a Brooklyn apartment building last week, killing a 64-year-old woman and injuring 20 firefighters, the FDNY said Friday. Fire marshals said the fire began around 6:40 p.m. on Feb. 20, when a...
  4. VIDEO Brutal cat attacks, fatal