file details

  1. W

    Windows 10 How to copy file details such as year & genre etc. to a text file.

    Hi, I have already learnt to use (dir /b >direct.txt) in CMD prompt to copy all the file names in a folder to a txt file but was wondering if i'st possible to also get all the file details such as Year, Genre, Writer, Director, Contributing Artist & Comments etc. Regards Wyldbear
  2. E

    Windows 8 In windows 8 I am not able to change video file's Rating (starts)

    In windows 8 I am not able to change video file's Rating (starts), I right click a file, the go to properties>Details I see the starts but I can not change them, I tried to allow all permissions. What should I do? I have tried rating in the Windows media player library, but when I rate a...
  3. H

    Viewing Bitrates in a Window

    In a folder window, that has music files. You know how you can choose to see details of files in a folder? Well I was wondering if you could see their bitrates in the folder without having to right click each MP3 file to see their properties. I imagine it's something like "Content" (which...
  4. E

    Windows 7 Can't Edit video files Details

    i've notices windows 7 add all sort of new meta data for it's video files.. which is cool, but for some reason i cant edit those details. they seems to be locked.. How can i Edit video details??