firewall settings

  1. F

    Windows Vista The Dreaded Error 10061

    My wife and I have separate e-mail accounts and we have an intermittant problem of this error message popping up when we log on to our e-mail. (The connection to the server has failed. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Socket...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Outgoing Requests Blocked on Various Programs

    Hey all. Here's my problems In Zune Software, I can't login to the marketplace/social In Twhirl (a twitter client) I can't login to receive my feeds In Picasa (A Photo Managing Software) I can't login to upload photos to a web album When I try to sync the time server, it can't connect When I...
  3. M

    Windows Vista Cannot check logs

    Has anyone been able to access pfirewall.log? To see deeper into what Vista FW records I get a blank notepad window with a popup that says "access denied". ================================================================= Additionals: Tested 02-03-07 Vista Firewall Public Profile with extra...