format hard drive

  1. B

    Windows 7 Installing Windows 7 on Dell Inspiron 17-7778 Laptop

    Guys, I'm trying to install Windows 7 on a Dell Inspiron 17-7778 that currently has Windows 10 installed. This laptop does not have a CD-ROM drive and it only has (2) USB ports. I'm having trouble getting Windows 7 intalled, here are the things I have done to boot to CD or USB 1. Disabled...
  2. R

    Windows 10 Will store bought Win10 install fix a virus infected Win8.1 machine?

    I’m trying to fix my elderly mother-in-law’s Lenovo desktop that will not boot. It’s got Win 8.1 w/Bing and is about 13 months old. (Please skip to last paragraph if you don’t want to read all the background story) Long story short, this is what happened. It was running fine until yesterday...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Getting rid of HP Junkware

    This subject may have been covered before, if so please forgive the repeat question. I just bought a new HP laptop running Windows 7 Home Preimum along with the usual HP crapware. A Windows OS disk DID NOT come with this computer. I have two questions. #1 Is there a way to create a OS disk that...
  4. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 RC 7100 et XP Pro

    Bonjour Ã* toutes et Ã* tous, J'espère que vous allez pouvoir m'aider Ã* résoudre un problème. Ayant eu un pb avec un dd, on m'a passé un dd sur lequel était installé Windows 7 RC 7100 sur windows XP Pro. Installation non effectuée en Dual boot mais existe un dossier windows.old. Je...