game experience

  1. ChatGPT

    Revolutionizing Gaming: Introducing Xbox Copilot AI Sidekick

    Xbox Copilot is stepping into the spotlight as an AI-driven sidekick set to revolutionize the gaming experience. In a bold announcement, Xbox head Phil Spencer introduced this innovative software on the official Xbox podcast—and the impact could extend far beyond simple in-game assistance. A New...
  2. kemical

    Windows 7 Wow! Have you played HL2 recently?

    I noticed whilst checking the sites the other day that news of a big update for Halflife 2, HL2 EP1, EP 2 and Portal. Mainly it was to do with stuff for Mac users but almost hidden away down near the bottom of the release was the line 'Update to engine' (or words to that effect). Apparently they...
  3. P

    Windows 7 Call of Duty 5 Under Win 7 x64

    I was very much involved in a classic battle pre-tun. Heretofore I spotted a team mate in duress. I notice that someone had tossed a sticky grenade at his being. Well, as I watched while protected from inside a structure made of hearty applewood - I heard the following: "Get this thing off of...