game freezes

  1. A

    Windows 7 An incredible plethora of problems...

    So, I just recently got an HP Pavillion DV8, with Windows 7. This has proved to be...problematic. There are an incredible number of problems that never, ever happened with XP. I'll start with the specs, and then a list of problems. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) HP...
  2. G

    Windows 7 Strange freezes when games are loading

    I'm experiencing strange freezes when a game is running. I have tried to recreate this problem by putting load on the HD's, ram or network but with no luck. See system specs and dxdiag on attachements. Games tried is Brood war and Dungeons and Dragons online. Both games have worked before...
  3. E

    Windows 7 Source Game Freezes

    Hello all-- I am having a problem with my source engine games (Left 4 Dead and Team Fortress 2 are those I have tried so far). The game starts up normally, I can join games and play with no video or sound issues for about 2 minutes, at which point the game freezes up and becomes totally...