gaming issue

  1. R

    Windows 7 Game (Soldier of Fortune) doesn't work

    Hello, I've got a problem and I think it's cause lies within windows 7. I'm playing a quiete old game called Soldier of Forune (released in 2000). It worked correctly when I had my laptop brand new. I installed the game and everything workes as it should be. But, some day, about 6 months...
  2. Windows 7 PC random reboot(spontaneous restart)

    Hello all, A few days ago i bought myself a new cpu/MB/memory/HD and since i've installed them i'm having spontaneous restarts. i've done quite some research on the net but i can't seem to get this fixed. So any help would be appreciated. First of all,i'm gonna start off with my pc specs...
  3. Windows 7 Far Cry 2 Bizarre Boot Message

    The game runs fine but when you first start it there is a message that says that a service pack is needed, it seems to think Win 7 is Vista pre service pack 1. LOL. :D