
  1. whoosh

    SATIRE Butterfingers Preparing Chistmas Presents

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO This Little Girl Began Feeding The Crows, Now They Bring Her Gifts

  3. C

    Windows 8 This Keyboard is Driving Me Nuts!

    A friend just gave me a new laptop as a gift. It is very nice except just keyboard does what it wants to do, The cursor disappears on me, the screen scrolls everywhere, it does what ever it wants to doo! Can someone help me? I have tried everything
  4. DriveSoft

    VIDEO Animated Christmas Tree for Windows desktop

    Hello all, This year I'm glad to introduce a new Animated Christmas Trees for Desktop and other Christmas gadgets. Raise up a Christmas mood! Video preview: Home page: (50 Christmas trees and other Christmas gadgets) Click on image to download the tree...
  5. whoosh

    Merry Christmas Everybody

    I wish everybody a fantastic , Christmas celebration . Hope you get, everything you desire and have a, great day . :peace: :beer_mug:
  6. reghakr

    U.K. Soldier Killed in Afghanistan Leaves Friends $160G for Las Vegas Party

    YORK, England – A British soldier killed by a Taliban bomb in Afghanistan left $161,500 in his will -- so his friends could go on vacation to Las Vegas, The Sun reported Monday Read Full Story: Link Removed
  7. reghakr

    Fathers Day: The top 10 dad-related records

    Lots of interesting facts. Read Full Story: Link Removed - Invalid URL
  8. cybercore

    Romanian jeweler prepares gifts for UK royals

    Romanian jeweler Ovidiu Paraianu has created two special rings and an ornamental key which he hopes to give to Britain's Queen Elizabeth, her grandson Prince William and his fiancee Kate Middleton on the occasion of the prince's wedding. Link Removed due to 404 Error Paraianu, a former...
  9. cybercore

    Kate Middleton marries Prince Harry in mug gaffe

    Kate Middleton might get a surprise if she is ever presented with one of the mugs produced to commemorate her wedding, which pictures her with Prince Harry rather than Prince William. Produced by Quandong Enterprises, the piece pictures Kate next to her future brother-in-law, although the...