gpt drive

  1. H

    Windows 7 Windows 7 wont load with gpt drive plugged in

    I got a 5tb drive, and since I wanted it to be one large partition I used gpt. Windows recognized the disk, formatted it, and let me copy files. But when I restarted windows it froze on the "starting windows" screen. I figured out after some messing around that unplugging the drive lets windows...
  2. Z

    Windows 8 Unable to refresh/reset, or even run chkdsk on MS-DOS for Win 8

    Ten days ago, I upgraded Windows 7 to Windows 8 ("What are you waiting for"-email from Microsoft). Within 6 days, I needed to refresh Windows 8 twice because of some crashes. After the second time "refresh", and reinstalling numerous updates for Win8, I turned the computer off. Next morning...