gta v

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO ◤ GTA V Graphics Like a MOVIE!? i9 12900k & RTX 3090 Ti Ray Tracing Maxed-Out Gameplay!

  2. S

    Windows 10 Windows Update Automatic Restart

    I left GTA V to download overnight last night, but my computer restarted during the download, preventing the game from finishing the download. I'm now looking for a way to turn this off. I still want the updates to download automatically, but I don't want them to install and restart my computer...
  3. News

    VIDEO Why gaming benchmarker Josh Heslop loves Surface

    Link Removed When I first spoke to Josh Heslop, he painted a picture of the night of Surface Pro 4’s release: he was the first customer in line at the Link Removed at Baybrook Mall in Friendswood, TX, eager to get his hands on the new device and see what kind of gaming muscle lay underneath the...
  4. RaduDumbraveanu

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Home problem BSOD

    It's not a bluescreen. Something similar. I atached a photo. When I play GTA V, those lines are showing. These are my system specifications. What could be the problem? Please help!
  5. caine frost

    Windows 10 windows 8.1-10

    I have 8.1 on my hdd and i know if i upgrade i wont loose anything (not guaranteed) but i am getting an ssd for gta v, can i install windows 10 update on my ssd from my 8.1 on my hdd and run it through the ssd? and woudl putting it on the ssd from the hdd increase the chances of losing things?
  6. D

    Windows 8 Need help finding specifications for new laptop

    I just made this account to post this question, not sure if this is the right place for it. I'm looking to get a new laptop that is capable of running games like GTA V and Assassin's Creed Unity smoothly on medium or max settings. Here's what I'm looking at: (since I can't post a link, search...
  7. NiallHT

    Windows 7 Unexpected BSOD on a new install of windows (Crashdump(s) included)

    Hello people of the Windows form! I have had 2 BSOD'S in one day! one happened when i was AFK and the other when i was playing GTA V (game). As I have know clue what to do i thought i would upload the dump files here and hope some one can help. Thanks for any help *NOTE* i have been having...