half life

  1. VIDEO HALF LIFE REMAKE Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME (4K 60FPS) No Commentary

  2. Windows 8 Games that work.

    For the last day or so I've been testing games. So far these work. Steam Games :- Bioshock 1 & 2 COD Black Ops COD Modern Warfare 1 & 2 Clive Barker's Jericho Company of Heroes series Far Cry 2 (Has Issues at times going FS) Ghostbusters : The video Game GRID Homefront Half Life 2 Series...
  3. Gamers Paradise : Favorite PC Games

    Hey all, So what are your favorite PC games of all time?? Mine currently are: GTA 4 GTA 3 GTA 2 Unreal Tournament Game of the Year Edition Unreal Tournament 2004 Unreal Tournament 3 Crysis Crysis: Warhead Guildwars Guildwars Expansion Packs Entropia Universe Neocron Neocron 2 Half Life Half...