hd 5770

  1. C

    Windows 7 BSOD Help

    It's getting pretty bad. I've uninstalled/reinstalled video drivers, I have the most up to date version from ATI's site and its just not working. Please help. Intel Pentium E6500 Mobo: P5G43T-M Pro 4GB DDR3 Ram Radeon HD 5770 Link Removed
  2. L

    Windows 7 windows 7 + i7

    Hello i got a i7 cpu but in windows 7 64 bits in task mananger it only shows 2 core. Link Removed due to 404 Error in win xp it show 8 core. My space: motherboard: GA-EX58-UD3R HD 5770 1 GB PSU: 720 W CPU: I7 6 GB MEMORY Windows 7 64 bit ultimate / win xp pro how can i fix this?
  3. P

    Windows 7 Some confusion over Sapphire HD 5770

    Heya doods! Just bought a new rig and installed Windows 7 32bit version. I was recently messing around with different drivers and stuff to make the system work like it should. So almost everything seems to be okay except one thing: the graphics card. Well, actually two things, the monitor is...