hdd format

  1. L

    Windows 10 Problems upgrading from Windows 7

    Here's a story for ya. Yesterday I decided to give Windows 10 a shot because of what all my friends were saying. "OHHH ITS AMAZEBALLZ" "SOOOOOO AWSM" and such. The upgrade took a few hours but was well worth it. The programmes were exactly where I left them along with everything else. The new...
  2. KevinHeath

    Windows 10 I've bricked my PC.

    Short version: I need to format my HDD to NTFS with no current OS. Long version: I was happily running Windows 10, but wanted to do a re-installation to speed things up. The installation hung at 1% for an hour or so, so I rebooted - no operating system. I downloaded a win10 iso and booted from...
  3. P

    Windows 8 Loop in installation windows 8.1

    Greetings, Today I had to reboot my computer in order to complete the installation of a program. When the computer rebooted, it suddenly didn't recognize my OS anymore. I tried to repair windows with the installation disk after setting the boot priority in Bios to DVD. Repairing windows...
  4. 4

    Windows 7 Can i re install windows with backup disc's?

    So i'm pretty sure that i had a virus so i did a factory reset but i have heard from numerous people that factory reset is a 50/50 chance it got rid of the virus even though my computer is 100x faster than before i just wan't to make sure i get rid of it. So my question is, If i reformat my HDD...
  5. K

    Windows 7 Can't reinstall Windows 7, freezes every time permanently

    This morning I had serious freezing issues with Windows 7. Just minutes after booting, it would freeze permanently. My mouse wouldn't even move on the screen, completely frozen. Manually shut down. Then it would sometimes freeze at the "Asus" screen and sometimes the computer would turn on but...
  6. D

    Windows 7 Windows 7/XP/XP Setup dual booting issue

    Hello, looking for some help with a couple of boot issues i'm having with my Windows 7 computer. I had better start from the beginning: This computer has 4 HDDs, 2x 1TB HDDs for storage, 2 for my seperate windows installations. Story: The first operating system was Windows XP and is...
  7. M

    Windows Vista Windows 7 RC won't install, help sorely needed

    I downloaded 2 different downloads, and burned on two different DVDs. I get a screen that says "loading files" (first screen) and they both freeze at the EXACT same spot :confused:. I had vista earlier, then got windows 7 RC so it has worked fine before. I wiped my HDD with killdisk (to get...