healthcare policy

  1. whoosh

    POLITICS A coronavirus vaccine should be for everyone, not just those who can afford it

    As the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 spreads in more than 60 countries, the race to develop a vaccine to prevent the illness has taken on new urgency. In a meeting with CEOs of major drug companies this week, President Trump ramped up the pressure, suggesting that vaccines could come to...
  2. brkkab

    U.S. Citizen's read this pronto, if you're over 18!!!!

    This election day select "None of the above" for every candidate. Now, the Republican Party has it setup to where Medicare no longer cover's Lantus Insulin for Diabetics. They obviously want us diabetics to die, but only after we vote for them first. The current Democrat party is idiot ridden...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Mike Pence Admits Republicans Will Try To Destroy Healthcare If They Win Midterms" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji12] [emoji100] Sent from my 8063 using Windows Forums mobile app
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO The GOP Still Hasn't Figured Out Health Care: The Daily Show

  5. cybercore

    Organ transplant patients switch seats on the Titanic

    December 10, 2010 Weird News: Bad lung beats none at all Britain’s National Health Service acknowledged in November that, because of a shortage of healthy lungs and other organs available for transplant, it was offering those on waiting lists the option of receiving them from former...