
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Bitter Paul Ryan Tells Trump Not To Work With Democrats On Healthcare

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Robert Reich dismantles Trump's healthcare pledge: 'I don’t think he has any credibility left'

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Blames TrumpCare Fail On Everyone But Trump

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO After Trumpcare Failure, Bernie Sanders & Progressives Push Medicare For All Plan

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Hey Trumpists: Trump Conned You on Obamacare Repeal. Sad!

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    VIDEO Senator Graham talks Obamacare, gets booed

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    VIDEO Male GOP Senator Mocks Women Who Could Die Under Republican Healthcare Plan

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Koch Brothers Offer Million Dollar Bribes To Republicans To Vote Against Trumpcare

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump: Press Not 'Speaking Properly' About How Great Trumpcare Is!

  10. whoosh

    VIDEO Down Goes TrumpCare! Down Goes TrumpCare!

  11. whoosh

    VIDEO TrumpCare's New 'Three-Bucket Strategy'... Buckets Full Of What?

    :razz::ahaha: Adult subject matter :eek:
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO When Trump Sounded Exactly Like Bernie Sanders On Healthcare

  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Bernie Sanders: AHCA Is Tax Plan To Help The Wealthy | All In | MSNBC

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO After Meeting With Trump, More Republicans Drop Support For Their Own Healthcare Bill

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    VIDEO Ted Cruz CRUSHES Paul Ryan's Lies About Repealing Obamacare

  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump & Paul Ryan Team Up To Make Healthcare Bill Even Worse

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    VIDEO 'Trumpcare' might not survive the House

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    VIDEO Price on Medicaid criticism from GOP governors

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    VIDEO Price grilled on Trump's health care promises

  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Cancer Survivor Saved By Medicaid Confronts Republican On Plans To Cut It

    :up: Some expletives :eek: