
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Pope Francis faces calls to renounce the Doctrine of Discovery

    Institutions that speak for God. Actually only speak for themselves. Violence in the defense of love . Papal Bullshite . The real heresy is man saying they are the way . They are if you walk on the dark side. A house cannot be divided against itself. Christ spoke of love and the True Church...
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Secret Files of the Inquisition - Part 1 - Root Out Heretics

    True evil 😱
  3. whoosh

    Harold Camping A Man With No Shame

    I wrote an article about Harold Camping being a false prophet in 1994 that was in response to his book, “1994?” that he had been hawking on Family Radio or as it is officially known, Family Stations, Inc., since 1992. Here is an excerpt of what I wrote: “I have been a daily listener to Family...