
  1. nexus3019

    Windows 7 Homegroup designation problem.

    Hello everyone! I am having a problem with homegroup. I access internet by connecting to my home WiFi. However, everytime I restart my router, Windows recognise it as a new homegroup even though I change nothing in my router settings. I tried merging different homegroup together, but that...
  2. ussnorway

    Windows 10 How to remove Homegroup icon from desktop

    backgroup = I let Tabby install her Sims game and the EA spyware tried to scan my homegroup as part of its install... results in a homegroup icon being placed on the desktop steps to get rid of this icon; right click a blank bit of desktop and select "Personalise" goto themes and look for...
  3. P

    Windows 10 "Permission" problems, can't share files on some network computers

    I've got home/office network of 7 computers (all on Win 10). Each computer has files in the public documents that needs to be accessed, with full control, by the other computers. Most all the computers communicate fine with one another, but I've got one computer (TOM) that can only read the...