
  1. News

    Windows 7 Silverlight TV 69: UX and Perceived Performance of WP7 Apps

    In this video, Jobi Joy, UX Architect with Link Removed, joins John to discuss some of the lessons his company learned while contributing to the very popular and successful IMDB and Twitter Windows Phone applications. Jobi covers a wide array of topics, including the design and the UX of the...
  2. Jimbo22

    Chers new movie

    Burlesque (2010) - IMDb
  3. News

    Windows 7 IMDB on Windows Phone 7: Hands on Demo

    Check out the new IMDb application on Windows Phone 7. The IMDb app helps you seek out current films in addition to storing details about nearly every movie known to man, enjoy! Link Removed More...
  4. G

    Windows 7 Flash Player

    Hi gang Has any one had any success installing Flash player 9. I like to look at the movie previews at IMDB, and this requires you having Flash Player installed. Thanx....Gunny