
  1. AMD Lawyer Who Led Fight Against Intel to Retire

    Link Removed In Silicon Valley’s best-known David-and-Goliath story, Thomas McCoy was the guy who slung the stone. The general counsel of Advanced Micro Devices didn’t topple mighty Intel, but his impact was at least felt in the chip giant’s pocketbook. McCoy, 59, said Wednesday that he is...
  2. 3 Ways Facebook Can Ruin Your Life

    We don’t live with Facebook so much as Facebook lives with us. You may think the simple socialnetworking tool is ours to command, but Facebook can have a much bigger impact on your life than you may have thought. Sure, it may make it easier to keep up to date on your favorite worm-themed...
  3. Hit Hard by the Recession !

    batman !
  4. What CIOs need to know about Windows 7

    Video: What CIOs need to know about Windows 7 | Tech Sanity Check | Operating systems have become very utilitarian and are not something IT leaders spend much time thinking about. But, Windows 7 is poised to replace Windows XP as the standard OS for businesses, so CIOs need to...
  5. S

    Windows 7 W7 full release query

    Does anyone know how the official release will impact on those of us currently using the beta. In other words, when it is released properly, will we be able to upgrade our betas to the official release or have to do a complete re-instal:confused: