integration features

  1. D

    Windows 7 Win7 VPC, VMs better without integration features

    I've found that it's much better (in my case) to run without integration features enabled on an XP VM. When I have them enabled, the following happens: - Can't do Start->Shutdown (it's removed from the menu) - Sometimes hangs if you click the Close icon (and have it set to shutdown) - CPU...
  2. D

    Windows 7 Lazy redraws in XP VM on W7 host

    I'm running a Win7 Pro x64 host on a fast machine with 16GB of memory, so I'm not suspecting the host. The guest VM is an XPsp3 with 3GB of memory assigned to it. I'm using Win 7's Virtual PC (not "XP Mode", this was an old VM I brought along from my old PC) to run this VM. I don't have...
  3. S

    Windows 7 Virtual PC beta is alot different..

    So, I'm running 64bit RC and because of Cisco's refusal to make a 64bit VPN client, I'm pretty much stuck with running a Virtual PC so that I can use the VPN to RDP into my servers.. Well, I downloaded the new Virtual PC Beta, and it's really becoming a show stopper for me. I'll go back to...