
  1. D

    Windows 7 Can't accept Outlook calendar invites

    I got a couple of invites and when I go to accept them, I get an error message that says it can't be deleted either because it already was deleted or access is denied. There are multiple entries for each attempt on the calendar and I can delete them. I also get the error message when I choose...
  2. blackroseMD1

    Windows 7 Microsoft Vine invites going out

    I haven't gotten mine yet, but managed to find an invite code. A lot of people were calling it Microsoft Twitter, but from what I have experienced so far, it's much more than that. You can update your status, but you can also have very localized (physical addressed based) news. Since I don't...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Beta invites have started being sent out.

    Link Removed - Invalid URL Link should work now.