io error

  1. T

    Windows 7 I/O Error 32?

    For some reason, at random, a little information box will pop up, saying I/O Error 32, and all I can do is press 'OK'. But if I don't, it pops up with the box multiple times and doesn't stop. Could anyone tell me what could possibly be causing this? It's starting to get annoying. Thank you!
  2. D

    Windows 7 An Unexpected I/O Error has occurred 0x00000e9

    i am running windows 7 and about a 3 months ago i had to shut my computer down becouse it crash apon restarting i got a error saying "disk read error please press Ctr Alt Del to restart your computer", i would do this a few times then i would get a new error saying "An Unexpected I/O Error has...
  3. N

    Windows 7 i/o error

    Hi, I've tried burning the Windows 7 iso 3 times, twice at 1x speed. Each time it completes and tries to boot up after restart it gives me an i/o error and says it is having trouble communicating with a device in relation to winload.exe. I've tried running it on Virtual PC and it seems to get...
  4. F

    Windows 7 i/o error with DVD/CD on Vista Ult

    Cannot load progs via Pioneer DVR-111Ds on Vista Ult. OK in BIOS and Dev. Manager. Get message "I/O error" and/or panel. "Burn to disk" - from Media Player/Centre ? Same error after re-installation of OS and substitution of DVD/CD driveice. Changes in Autoplay do not help. Nobel Prize...