
  1. K

    Windows 7 Windows 7 pda?

    My husband, mourning the impending death of his Palm device, is looking for a new non-phone PDA (remember those?) compatible with Windows 7 / Outlook 2010. I can't seem to find anything developed in the past year or two. I saw the Ipaq 111 but it runs Windows Mobile 6 and I assume that one...
  2. K

    Windows 7 Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 Crashes

    This probably applies to a limited number of people, but--- Has anyone been able to synch a WM Device in 7 yet? My WMDC 6.1 crashes everytime. Any one have any ideas? Can't find any one else having this problem...which seems discourageing. I NEED TO SYNCH MY IPAQ!!! HELP!!!! I am truely lost...
  3. K

    Windows Vista Sync Money 2006 with VISTA Home Premium

    I have successfully been able to sync my iPaq with Outlook (Full Version) and my files. Anyone out there know what I now have to download in order to sync with MS Money 2006 with VISTA Home Premium? In the Mobile Device Centre or Sync Centre there is no functionality to sync Money 2006 and...