job search

  1. News

    Looking to find a new career? Follow these 4 steps

    If you’re looking for a new career, you may well be wondering where to start. A good place is a new page on the Windows Resource Center that identifies four steps to take and gives you pointers to move ahead. You’ll find out about jobs that have the greatest number of openings and the skills you...
  2. News

    VIDEO This year, let’s resolve to make the most of our time online and better protect ourselves from online threats

    While the holiday season has come and gone, the new year brings a renewed opportunity for reflection, goal-setting and personal growth. The start of the new year makes me appreciate our team’s progress and I’ve got to tell you, there’s a lot of great stuff coming in 2021! This month marks the...
  3. H

    Meaning of This

    I'm wondering if someone here can assist me. Mainly my mother and bro advise (constantly) that I "get to meet new people", "go out", and "build my network" (well my brother says the last thing, Mom says all of them). However, not only do I find these phrases vague but they never seem promising...
  4. H

    A Professional Email Adress

    I am currently trying to score an internship/job, and wondering what kind of email address I should put on my resume. Is it true a "work" email address and "professional" email address are two separate things? When someone shows you their business card, and it has their work email address on...