kinect studio

  1. Kinect Studio Revisited

    We've highlighted the Kinect Studio a number of times... Kinect for Windows v2 and the Kinect Studio Kinect Studio and a Harmonica Player Custom Gestures, Kinect for Windows v2 and the Visual Gesture Builder Bruno shows us how to use the Kinect Studio Kinect Studio 101 ...but it's been over...
  2. Getting Going with Kinect v2 Development

    Mike Taulty, long time Coding4Fun Friend, recently presented at a London Kinect Hack Event on how to quickly get started developing with the Kinect for Windows v2. Lucky for us, he's shared it with us...; Here are just a few times we've highlighted Mike's work; Just face it... with these two...
  3. Kinect without a Kinect

    It's been a long time since we've highlighted Link Removed, the last was in 2011, .Net Rocks rocks WinRT & Kinect (yeah, wow). Today he provides another example of Kinecting with out a Kinect... (The other being the post from Bruno Capuano, Two Kinect v2 Tips from El Bruno - Disconnected Dev...
  4. Windows 7 Kinect for Windows SDK 1.5 - Face Tracking, Seated Skeletal Tracking, Kinect Studio, & More

    Rob Relyea, a Principal Program Manager on the Kinect for Windows team joins us again on Channel 9 to discuss all of the new features with the 1.5 release of the Kinect for Windows SDK. Download the 1.5 Release at Link Removed [00:33] Overview of the Kinect for Windows SDK 1.5 Release [03:00]...