
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Justice Double Standard: Kushner Co. Jailing Residents For Rent Money

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Rogue landlord rented out squalid house that even had a TREE poking through..NNM NEWS

  3. seekermeister

    Razor Blade Disposal

    When I was younger, and the places I lived were older, every medicine cabinet had a slot in the back of it to slip razor blades through neer to be seen again...unless someone did some remodeling and tore the wall down. Nowadays I end up collecting them in a little drawer, because I don't like...
  4. cybercore

    Landlord visits house to collect rent, finds house has gone

    A Malaysian landlord received a rather unpleasant surprise when he went to collect rent from some tenants and found his property had disappeared. All that remained of Zuria Ali's house, which he had inherited from his parents, were 24 concrete pillar holders, a smashed TV and pieces of...
  5. cybercore

    Nearly mailed puppy

    A Minnesota puppy that made headlines when it was saved from a likely deadly trip through the mail went home with a new owner Friday — an exuberant Minneapolis woman who was thrilled to welcome the fuzzy black dog into her life. "I never win anything," said Terri Ford, who threw her arms in...