large text

  1. Windows 10 Setting up Windows on my new computer?

    Hi I'm having a few problems finding settings because of the 3440 by 1440 resolution on my new monitor. There was always a place to change the size of fonts used by Windows in it's applications. I can't find that. If I have to I can use the slider to make everything larger but that makes some...
  2. Windows 10 No text size sliderslider

    there is no text size slider in my w10pro Settings > System > Display. How to chancw font size on desktop & else where?
  3. Windows 7 How to place a text banner on the desktop?

    I'd like to place a banner of sorts - just some text - on my desktop. Is there a widget/gadget or something similar that would let me do this? I'm not talking about a note to myself, or a post-it. I mean more like large block letters that would run across the width of a monitor.