led indicators

  1. Yohannas

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Restart function takes forever

    Hello, I've Googled this problem extensively but I can't seem to find anyone else who is experiencing the exact problem that I am experiencing. I built a very high-spec gaming PC last August and installed Windows 8. I upgraded to 8.1 later and did not experience any problems until I needed to...
  2. T

    Windows 7 Dynamic Disk takes forever

    Hello friends I just installed 2x4 TB disk from HGST. When I first connected them I only saw 1.6 TB per disk and I had to install a third party driver from HGST first. After driver installation I could see the whole 4 TB per disk. Since I wanted mirrored drives I went on and converted them to...
  3. D

    Windows 7 Sleep mode

    I have a HP Pavilion a6607c with Windows 7 64 bit installed, the computer goes to sleep just fine, but when I try to wake it from sleep everything turns on but no fully fans working but the LED light goes from blue back to orange as if it is stuck in sleep mode, I have updated the bios but im...