
  1. M

    Windows Vista Adobe Acrobat not working with Vista Home Premium

    Hi Everyone! I hope this site proves useful, it looks great. Anyway, I can't seem to read files from Adobe Acrobat. I have Adobe Acrobat 7.0. I am trying to read some .pdf files from and it says something about having a compatibility issue. Any suggestions? Thanks Maria
  2. K

    Windows Vista URL from desktop doesn't work

    With XP Pro I used to be able to drag a URL from IE7's address bar to my desktop and then, say the next day, click on it and it would open the web site. Now when I do it I notice that it enters say, "file:///C:/Users/Kerry/Desktop/Windows%20Vista%20Support.url" and with some sites the graphics...
  3. J

    Windows 7 [*] Disclamier

    :cool: Ok this is the disclamier section. All link and software related items found in this forum are subject to change. Links will come and go. DO NOT use the links in this forum for any malicious acts or behavior. They are simply here for you test your own software and systems as needed...