low voltage

  1. W

    Windows 7 Random BSOD

    New build, details as follows: Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 CPU: Phenom II X4 955BE RAM: 4x2GB ADATA DDR3 1333 (Model: AXDU1333EB2G9-2G) GPU: Asus Geforce GTX460 1GB HD: 64GB ADATA S599 SSD BIOS was updated to latest version after building rig. Running Home Premium 64 After...
  2. kemical

    Windows 7 More RAM for less power is forecast in 2010

    More RAM for less power is forecast in 2010 Analysis DDR3 hits 1.2V at 1333 and 1.35V at 1600 By Link Removed - Invalid URL Monday, 30 November 2009, 15:23 WHEN LOOKING AT PC system power consumption, the usual focus is on the CPU and GPU, followed by the chipset, disk drives and such...