
  1. Mike

    When and Why To Know Better

    Liking Software ≠ Disliking People Ladies and gentlemen, With the release of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, many individuals and persons will have opinions differing from your own. Many people enjoy this new operating system preview, while others disagree with its design for a multitude of...
  2. whoosh

    Peter Pan syndrome: Does the rise of women mean men will never grow up?

    Does the rise of women mean men will never grow up? It's a widely-agreed belief that girls mature faster than boys. But a new book claims that an increasing number of men never grow up at all. Author Kay S. Hymowitz says that the rise of women at school and in the workplace is fuelling a...
  3. News

    Windows 7 Channel 9: Who We Are Now

    Channel 9 has come a long way since it's debut in 2004. We have grown and matured, had great successes and a few stumbles, but our core principles have remained the same: to to move beyond the newsgroup, the blog, and the press release to talk with each other, human to human. In this video you...
  4. K

    Windows 7 Windows 7 - upgrade or not upgrade?

    Hello everyone I'm considering whether to upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7. IMHO, the new OS seems to be not sufficiently "mature" yet, and it is better to wait for the first service pack to come out before actually upgrading. What do you think? Should I upgrade nevertheless...