
Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Does the rise of women mean men will never grow up?

It's a widely-agreed belief that girls mature faster than boys. But a new book claims that an increasing number of men never grow up at all.
Author Kay S. Hymowitz says that the rise of women at school and in the workplace is fuelling a 'Peter Pan syndrome' in the opposite sex - men who continue to act like teenagers well into adulthood.
She says that changing sexual hierarchies mean that today's men are uncertain about their social role.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/artic ... z1Eg2XaGnC :insanity:

" Now if cybercore was around we could have a great game of snap !" :insanity:

I guess if men get "Peter pan syndrome" then women most get "old hags syndrome"

Yes , I am sure they do not start out with the intention of growing into the ,Wicked Witch of the North . Just one day they were galivanting in the grass and next they were getting there broom stick ready for a midnight raid !" :hee:
