
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO USA Freedom Kids sues Trump

    :usa::eek: The President-elect can rest easy — another legal battle has been averted. The singing group USA Freedom Kids has dropped its lawsuit against Donald Trump's campaign, according to our colleagues at the Naples Daily News. This may all sound familiar, like a flashback to some fever...
  2. cybercore

    Baby panda released into wild by keepers dressed as pandas

    The handlers donned the panda outfits to release giant panda Cao Cao and her cub Cao Gen into the Wolong Nature Reserve. They have worn the outfits at all times when handling the creatures as it is thought that a healthy fear of humans will be good for them in the wild. When pandas are...
  3. cybercore

    Malaysia police nab 3 for stealing 725,000 condoms (which have not yet been found).

    Malaysian police have arrested three suspects involved in the heist of some 725,000 condoms, which have not yet been found. Mohamad Shukri Dahlan, the police chief of Malaysia's northern Perak state, says the heist was "an inside job." He said Friday the suspects work for the firm...