microsoft research

  1. Hacking Augmented Reality with Kinect | Build 2015

    IllumiRoom ( demonstrated how projection mapping can enhance entertainment. RoomAlive ( prototyped turning any room into an interactive, augmented experience. In this session, Andy...
  2. Using the Doppler Effect for Motion Sensing, Browser Scrolling...

    I saw today's project this past Saturday from Daniel Rapp and it bumped everything else, just had to share this. First, it currently works in Chrome, yeah, yeah... I know...but use Chrome to best see this work... But it IS a Microsoft Research paper. What's also cool is that this is all driven...
  3. The Open Sourcing of TouchDevelop

    I've highlighted Link Removed just a few times... TouchDevelop to Arduino TouchDevelop v3 - WinPhone 8, Speech, NFC, Tiles and much more... Reach out and touch the net with TouchDevelop and MaKey MaKey Develop for Windows Phone, with Windows Phone... TouchDevelop Getting in touch with...
  4. Windows 7 Benko and Daniel Wigdor on Rock & Rails

    I went to SIGCHI last week and met up with Benko and Daniel Wigdor who were presenting their paper on Rock and Rails, several new gesture paradigms being explored in Microsoft Research. If you're a Channel 9 regular, you already know Benko, but this is Daniel's first time on C9. Daniel is...
  5. Windows 7 TouchStudio - Plotting Math Functions

    In this video, Peli de Halleux, from the Research in Software Engineering group (RiSE) at Microsoft Research, gives a tutorial using the Link Removed editor. Learn how to chart mathematical functions in TouchStudio. follow TouchStudio on Facebook Link Removed coordinates Microsoft's research...
  6. Windows 7 TouchStudio - Script Your Phone on Your Phone Reloaded

    In this video, Nikolai Tillmann and Michal Moskal, from the Research in Software Engineering group (RiSE) at Microsoft Research, present Link Removed for Windows Phone 7. TouchStudio is a radically new Windows Phone software development environment, bringing the excitement of the first...
  7. Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Yuri Gurevich - Introduction to Algorithms and Computational Complexity, 3 of 3

    The great Link Removed is back!! Link Removed Yuri is a logician, computer scientist, and inventor of abstract state machines. He currently works in Microsoft Research (he's a member of Wolfram Schulte's RiSE team). This is the third and final part in our introductory series of lectures...
  8. Windows 7 The Inventor of Human Skeletal Tracking - Jamie Shotton

    Jamie Shotton is one of the inventors of Human Skeletal Tracking—he works in Microsoft Research Cambridge and dropped by the states, and our studio, to chat about this great invention. Link Removed Link Removed
  9. Windows 7 C9 Lectures: Yuri Gurevich - Introduction to Algorithms and Computational Complexity, 2 of n

    Link Removed is back on C9!! Link Removed Yuri is a logician, computer scientist and inventor of abstract state machines. He currently works at Microsoft Research (he's a member of Wolfram Schulte's RiSE team). This is the second part in a series of lectures exploring the fundamental...
  10. Windows 7 David Molnar and Margus Veanes - BEK - Domain Specific Language for String Manipulation Functions

    In this video, Link Removed and Link Removed, both Researchers at Microsoft Research, give a demo of BEK (you can try it too at Link Removed). BEK is a domain specific language for writing common string functions, combined with state of the art analysis. With BEK, you can answer questions like...
  11. Windows 7 Aman Kansal: Inside Joulemeter

    Link Removed is a software-based Microsoft Research project designed to measure the energy usage of virtual machines (VMs), servers, desktops, laptops, and even individual software programs running on a computer. Joulemeter estimates the energy usage of a VM, computer, or software by...
  12. Windows 7 Aman Kansal: Inside Joulemeter

    Link RemovedLink Removed*is a software-based Microsoft Research project designed to measure the energy usage of virtual machines (VMs), servers, desktops, laptops, and even individual software programs running on a computer. Joulemeter estimates the energy usage of a VM, computer, or software...