milky way

  1. whoosh

    VIDEO New Study Suggests 36 Alien Civilizations In The Milky Way, But...

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO 1000 Of Unexplained Radio Filaments Found In Milky Way's Center

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO NASA Has Discovered 300 Million Inhabitable Planets with Liquid Water Within the Milky Way!

  4. cybercore

    Huge Black Hole Discovered in Small Galaxy

    Huge Black Hole Discovered in Small Galaxy Which came first: the black hole or its home galaxy? This chicken-and-egg analogy is an issue raised with the discovery of a massive black hole inside a tiny, dwarf galaxy, and it may provide clues to the formation of the universe. A little...
  5. cybercore

    VIDEO Scientists Find What May Be The First Truly Habitable Exoplanet

    Gliese 581g - Scientists Find What May Be The First Truly Habitable Exoplanet The researchers estimate that the average surface temperature of the planet is between -24 and 10 degrees Fahrenheit (-31 to -12 degrees Celsius). Actual temperatures would range from blazing hot on the side facing...
  6. whoosh

    Planck telescope reveals ancient cosmic light

    This is the extraordinary place where we all live - the Universe. The picture is the first full-sky image from Europe's Planck telescope which was sent into space last year to survey the "oldest light" in the cosmos. It took the 600m-euro observatory just over six months to assemble the map...