missing disk

  1. Another RAID 5 fails?

    i have googled the web but could not come up with any answers. I have a windows softwareraid "5" (yes plz hate me for this) with 3x3TB disks, one disk recensently failed. I have just replaced the bad disk with a new one. But i have still no way to add the new disk to the "old" raid, and the bad...
  2. C

    Windows 7 "One of parent hard disks of Windows XP Mode is missing"

    I've used this site for good advice, esp by Kari to whom I send hopes for speedy recovery. I'm trying to enable multiple users to access programs via XP mode, through Win7 64-bit computer (Win7 Professional). Using Admin Profile, when trying to open Win XP mode within All Programs from Start...
  3. C

    Windows 7 "There Is No Disk in the Drive..." when launching software

    Hi forums, this is my first post here, unfortunately not for a good reason. Basically whenever I try to launch a specific program (Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 64-bit to be precise), I receive the following error message: This error has only occured recently, I have had the software installed for...