missing emails

  1. TerryLP

    Windows 10 Windows 10 and Yahoo Issues

    I have just upgraded to Windows 10. The whole operation seemed to go very smoothly. I did not run into any problems until I started setting up my email account. I have had a Yahoo account through AT&T for years. Well I found out that trying to set it up using the Yahoo button would not work, so...
  2. F

    Windows 7 MAPI sent mails do not show up in Outlook

    I tried to execute a mailmerge in windows 7, using Microsoft Outlook 2007 (which was also set as the default program for whatever it is capable of, including MAPI, using the \default programs\ dialoge in the configuration.) and MS Word 2007. Although both windows/winword and outlook do not...
  3. H

    Windows 7 Win7 machine does not receive some emails

    I started to use a new win7 machine (Dell XPS 8000) for our buiness operation a few days ago. What I found was that many emails are not receiving by Win 7 machine (I use Outlook 2007). When I opened one of our XP computers in the late afternoon, I found tons of emails in the XP computer. Both...