
  1. ART A Moment For Introspection

  2. ART Rising In The Moment

  3. VIDEO Cute moment lion cub stands up to father picking on him - prompting its mum to get involved | SWNS

  4. VIDEO Mnuchin's Been Training His Whole Life For This Moment

    :usa: :eek:
  5. Serenity

    Here is a prayer worthy of one's attention, whether one believes in God or not: God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time Enjoying one moment at a time Accepting hardships...
  6. VIDEO Hilarious QI moment - The Q of QI

  7. That right warm n Special moment

    :razz:Link Removed
  8. VIDEO Greg's Oreo Moment

  9. Gamers Paradise : Favorite Gaming Moment

    Try to bring life back to this group my favorite gaming moment was when I finally beat ocarina of time for the first time and watching Ganon Fall.